You’ll get the best of TODAY delivered to your inbox. There might be another reason to savor a morning cup of coffee and a glass of wine with dinner: Extra years of life. Not everyone agrees, but ongoing research of people who live to 90 and beyond is revealing some habits they have in common — everyday behaviors that seem to play a role in their longevity, researchers say. Dr. Claudia Kawas is the co-principal investigator of The 90+ Study, one of the largest studies in the world of the “oldest-old” Americans. Some 1,800 nonagenarians are now enrolled in the research, contributing their blood and DNA, undergoing exams every six months, having their bodies imaged and sharing details of their lifestyle. Kawas, a neurology professor at University of California, Irvine, recently talked about some of the study’s findings so far at the American Association For The Advancement Of Science annual meeting in Austin, Texas: People who drank moderate amounts of alcohol or coffee lived longer than those who abstained, The 90+ Study researchers have found. Read more here…
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